
Call for the Manifestation of Interest

Call for the Manifestation of Interest

Centre CEFODEP, REDHAC and NDH-Cameroun are announcing the
launching in December 2023 the Application ‘MIANGO’, an application meant
for the defence and promotion of human rights in Central Africa
Miango is having as an objective to contribute to the reduction of the violations
of human rights in Cameroon through the development of an intelligent alarm
dispositive or system, the protection, the defence and the securisation of victims.
The best functionality of this application will be determined by consequent
implementation of field actors engaged in the promotion of human rights. It is
notably the N.G.Os of human rights, defenders of human rights and any other
entity concerned with the question of human rights. As such, Miango will have
partnership structures in all localities of Cameroon.
Who can be a partner of Miango Cameroon?
Those who can be partners of Miango Cameroon are; Civil Society
Organisations in proximity, lawyers, legal counsellors, defenders of human
rights. In order to be a partner or a focal point of Miango in Cameroon, one must
have at least one of the following conditions;
– For Civil Society Organisations: be a Cameroonian Civil Society
Organisation of human rights and have been exercising for at least 2 years
on the field. Must also have a legitimate presence in the concerned
– For physical persons: be a recognised defender of human rights. Have
received training on human rights.
– For lawyers and other legal counsellors: be a registered member of the
order of lawyers for lawyers; and justify an experience in legal help or
assistance for victims for legal counsellors.
When and how should one apply?


If you would like to be part of the Miango ecosystem, please CLICK HERE To fill in the form

If you would like to be part of the Miango ecosystem

Fill the attached form before the 30 of November
Contact for Miango :
miango@futurafrique.org  ou contact@futurafrique.org

By dp@mM47